Hyde Park > Przywitaj się

hi all

<< < (3/4) > >>

oh sry , i really didn't know, i'll change it, but don't laugh, ;D

well Jo, but were is beer on this avatar? :piwo: :rotfl:

How it did not know, is written in the section: http://www.forum.grupabrowar.pl/index.php/topic,3.0.html
But do not want you to read :D :D  :rotfl:  :rotfl:

this madafaka using googletranlate on our site :o this is clever and tough guy... like all serbians!  :piwo:

tylko ty ismejavajte Jonikka stary, wezmę was wszystkich BLACHAaaaaaaa  :P :P :P
 :piwo: :piwo: :piwo:


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