Hyde Park > Strefa Wolna
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam
:-* :piwo:
mmm czyżby miałby być flamethrower?
może być wesoło ;)
Tak sobie czytam na wiki info o bc2 i expacku bc2 v i:
Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Vietnam is an upcoming expansion pack for the game which takes place in the Vietnam War. It is scheduled for release in late 2010, and will only be available via download. In the expansion pack's debut trailer, two F-4 Phantoms and multiple Bell UH-1 Huey helicopters are flying towards a village engulfed in a battle, while Creedence Clearwater Revival's song Fortunate Son is heard on the radio. At the end of the trailer, radio broadcaster Hanoi Hannah famously says "They will give you a medal, G.I. ... but only after you are dead."
The expansion pack will contain 4 new maps, 6 new vehicles, and 12 new weapons. It is also planned to include 49 contemporary music tracks which can be listened to via an in-game radio. 10 new Xbox achievements/PSN trophies will also be available to unlock. Furthermore it will be the first Battlefield: Bad Company 2 multiplayer expansion.
znowu zrobili nas w kakao... :-*
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ciekawy opinia po przedpremierowej grze w bc2v (po polsku):
Kumpel moj, twierdzi, ze bc2v mozna bedzie kupic w wersji pudelkowej :o Dokladniej, bedzie to pudelko z kodem w srodku :browar: Potem eadm i mamy gierke :browar:
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