Hyde Park > Przywitaj się

Witam - (magik-thc)

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there are two kinds of sniper: asmodat kind and normal recon class sniper  :rotfl:

K/D is not everything - points are...

btw - hello  :piwo:

What I'm trying to say is that I'm impressed with the number of attack battles won, and the ratio compared to losses. Same as the number of flags captured vs m-coms destroyed.

Hmmm... Who is considered "attacker" in conquest scenarios?

witaj w naszych skromnych progach ;)

Witam !
Kolejny snajper w Rodzinie =)

@ Ogre:

possibility of being a good sniper as a defender on Rush mode is very small apart of Isla (1st stage), thus magik-ths team stats are so different... the ability to adapt to situation is a key to high score, but most of the new players choose to play recon class due to it's false sense of security...

@ magik: friend, try other classes adnyou will see the endless variations of this beautiful laggy game  ;D


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