Hyde Park > Strefa Wolna

Battlefield 3

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ok guys not to prolong this off topic conversation any further - as a part of lower level management (supervisor of the unit) in my bank i earn between 500 and 600 euros per month, and my wife earns little over 300 euros as a clerk in small company - so 800 total, flat that i live in (1 room+kitchen+bathroom=35 sqm) costs me 250 per month + 100 for travel to work + food, so 30 euros per month for internet = luxury is a lot of money in the country with average salary of 350 euros. so fuck the money and fuck the economical crisis and fuck all those bloodsucking telecommunication companies, and fuck you Bil Gates for making my PC obsolete after 2 years...  >:(

uhhhh, there i said it...  :medit:

now please lets get back to the subject... i am defiantly leaving, as a legacy, COMPLETE BF SERIES to my kids, so i am buying the game...

i just think that we as a respectable group of DICE/EA consumers have a duty to write an open letter that we are not going to buy their shit anymore if they don't make things better every time they rip us out of our money. NO LAGS NO CHEATERS AND NO 5 MAPS PER GAME...

over and out...


--- Cytat: Jonikka w 09 Lutego 2011, 21:31:40 ---ok guys not to prolong this off topic conversation any further - as a part of lower level management (supervisor of the unit) in my bank i earn between 500 and 600 euros per month, and my wife earns little over 300 euros as a clerk in small company - so 800 total, flat that i live in (1 room+kitchen+bathroom=35 sqm) costs me 250 per month + 100 for travel to work + food, so 30 euros per month for internet = luxury is a lot of money in the country with average salary of 350 euros. so fuck the money and fuck the economical crisis and fuck all those bloodsucking telecommunication companies, and fuck you Bil Gates for making my PC obsolete after 2 years...  >:(

uhhhh, there i said it...  :medit:

now please lets get back to the subject... i am defiantly leaving, as a legacy, COMPLETE BF SERIES to my kids, so i am buying the game...

i just think that we as a respectable group of DICE/EA consumers have a duty to write an open letter that we are not going to buy their shit anymore if they don't make things better every time they rip us out of our money. NO LAGS NO CHEATERS AND NO 5 MAPS PER GAME...

over and out...

--- Koniec cytatu ---

I will comfort you Jonikka. Earning less than you and I have no home. My parents help me. I do not have a chance to own homes while parents will not give me his. On loan at the bank I can not afford.


do not forgot it to buyin for kids (as legacy) only limited and delux ver's of games :browar: :muzyk: :-*

Grysiu, chyba nie jestem zainteresowany - zbyt szumne zapowiedzi i zbyt wiele zapewnień "jak to będzie super" - mówię Wam że NIE BĘDZIE, będzie zjebane jak każdy BF, tylko z 2-ką udało się coś poprawić patchem - reszta to lipa (nie liczę DLC typu Vietnam), ale za to wziął się jakiś fachowiec a nie "jedyny informatyk od poprawek Dice'a"


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