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Battlefield 3

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Studio, studiem, ale wydawcą jest EA, a jak zobaczyli, że Activision doi równo kase na tej swojej świetnej usłudze, to i oni zaczeli i coś tak czuję, że każda nowa produkcja (FPS-y) od tych dwóch wydawców może mieć coś takiego.


Co wiemy wiecej o PREMIUM?

    - 2 tygodniowy wczesniejszy dostęp do wszystkich przyszlych dodatków, zaczynając od BF3 Close Quarters,
    - Unikalny nóż,
    - Unikalne nieśmiertelniki
    - ponad 10 nowych kamuflarzy
    - Unikalne kamuflarze broni,
    - Możliwość resetu statystyk,
    - Ponad 10 unikalnych emblematów dla plutonu,
    - polepszone możliwości edycji emblematów w plutonach
    - większy priorytet w kolejce na serwer,
    - możliwość zapisu do pięciu ulubionych raportów bitewnych
    - ponad 5 unikalnych dodatków,
    - eksluzywne turnieje,
    - podwójny XP w wybrane weekendy (eventy)
    - dostęp do ekskluzywnych filmów,
    - Poradnik strategi (ksiazka)
    - dodatkowe bonusy

ponoic od 4.VI ma byc w sprzedazy CQ i PREMIUM

Gryniu, zdaje sie, ze poprosze Ciebie o zakup tej uslugi via moj origin, ale w PL - tak, jak bylo z BF3 :d

sporo zmian: w tym: znerfienie m26 mass! i zmmiejszenie przygwazdzania:

Weapons related changes
> Fixed a bug where Heavy Barrels and Underslung Shotguns could be over powered. (This is the so called M26 dart issue, see above)
> All semi-automatic sniper rifles now properly have shorter range when using a suppressor.
> The L96 now properly shoots where the iron sights are aimed. The position was previously offset.
> The SKS now has the proper damage values when using a suppressor. The damage was previously too low at close range.
> Slightly reduced the suppression effect of SKS rounds.
> Decreased the long range damage of the SKS to highlight its close to medium range role.
> Slightly decreased the foregrip aimed accuracy penalty on the M4A1 to bring it in line with other guns.
> Slightly increased the foregrip aimed accuracy penalty on the SCAR-H to bring it in line with other guns.
> Reduced some of the vertical recoil and zoomed accuracy penalties added to the FAMAS in the previous update.
> F2000 foregrip accuracy penalty reduced and recoil reduction bonus increased.
> AEK971 foregrip recoil reduction bonus increased.
> SG553 foregrip recoil reduction bonus increased.
> FAMAS foregrip recoil reduction bonus increased.
> Fixed the M416’s M26 with Flechettes not having a name in the kill log.
> Fixed so all clip based LMGs have Extended Mags as an available unlock.
> All semi-automatic shotguns now fire at 220rpm. There was previously simply a small difference between them, whereas now they have different pellet counts instead of rates of fire.
> Improved the recoil and accuracy of the M26 to match the 870.
> Reduced the impact suppression has on shotguns. Shotguns are still affected by Suppression but it should no longer significantly impact their accuracy from the hip as it previously did.
> The 870’s pump speed has been increased slightly from 0.55 seconds to 0.48 seconds. The empty reload time for the 870 has also been reduced slightly.
> Improved the accuracy of aimed shotguns when on the move.
> The Saiga’s recoil has been reduced.
> The M1014 now fires 10 projectiles. The other semi auto shotguns have 9 pellets, and since the M1014 has a lower mag size and a slower reload it now fires 10 pellets to give it some edge.
> The USAS-12 now fires 7 projectiles.
> The MK3A1 now fires 8 projectiles.
> Fixed so the weapon’s fire mode is saved between spawns.

szczegoly: http://blogs.battlefield.com/2012/05/bf3-june-update-announce/


fragmenty z ARMORED KILL sa IMO ciekawe

Yoss zlepka 2-3 sekundy i już fajne? Bez przesady, coraz bardziej mnie to wkurza te Premium sremium... ehhhh.... zacząłem ostatnio na powrót grać w BC2: Vietnam, bo ten BF3 coraz mniej mi sie podoba


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