Hyde Park > Strefa Wolna
Battlefield Play4Free
tylko gdzie to się robi?
A ja niestety w to nie zagram. Nie chce mi się zainstalować wtyczka do FireFoxa 4.0 Beta 10, ani do IE pod Windows 7.
i am using IE 8.0 and only for this application, because my weapon of choice is Chrome...
@Yoss, i have read the Beta agreement and i was not breaching it by disclosing or publishing any information about the gameplay, i just wanted to show you that i am a bad-ass-camper-frager-noob, but if you still think that i just didi that i will delete file from forum...
take it easy bro :P
--- Cytat: [Yossarian] w 06 Lutego 2011, 17:26:36 ---take it easy bro :P
--- Koniec cytatu ---
i am easy, :P i was just guffing around :rotfl:
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