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Lista chętnych do klanu BroWar w World of Tanks

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podciągnijcie trochę frekwencje.

As the beta started, I have tried to understand the concept of the WoT, and now, few months into the open game I started to realizes – this game is going in so completely different direction that I imagined it would go… Now it is all about who has bigger, no tactics and such… Couple of weeks ago, my old friend from Serbia asked me to help him with his WoT clan, as a forum admin and some sort of policeman on clan chat. And during that time I have reminded myself why exactly I hated clans so much. Jonikka you need to level up your tank, Jonikka you need to do this and that… NO, I don’t need to do shit… I’ll do what I want… this is a fucking game you noobs…
If you lads are about fun than the clan war is not for you, because first of all you don’t spend not a fraction of time those kids spend on their IS-7s or Maus-es… we have BT-7s or PzIII/IVs… So leave those war mongering sons-of-bitches, those nationalistic clans of Poles, Serbs and Nazis, and have fun.

But if you still want to create a BroWar sponsored clan, I will be willing to pay for it’s opening, only because I would be proud to have my BroWar tag beside my name

A jak sprawdzić jaki lvl ma mój czołg?

W drzewie technologicznym każdy kolejny wiersz pojazdów jest oznaczony poziomem. Nr poziomu jest po lewej i prawej stronie drzewa technologicznego i na ikonach ojazdow.

Jonniika - głos rozsądku.

Marnie idzie to zbieranie ludzi. Mam z 5 chętnych. Gdybyśmy uzbierali 50 browarów wtedy zawsze znalazła by sie parszywa 15 gotowa stanąć o wyznaczonej porze do walki.

Jak mamy robić klan z 5 browarami i 10 przypadkowymi ludźmi to mija sie z celem.


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