Hyde Park > Strefa Wolna

The Battlefield Community is lending a helping hand 06.08



Pomozmy im! Nawet 10PLN to ogromna pomoc!
Np.: http://www.fds.org.pl/

btw ja od wczoraj gram z tagiem: SHR Somalian Hunger Relief

oto pierwsze 2 rundy na serwerze dedykowanym akcji:

Jesli nie dostaniecie sie na serwer SHR - grajcie z tagiem SHR - w ten sposob pokazujecie poparcie spolecznosci BF dla pomocy Somalii!

 :o A co somalia :-[


...I am glad and also proud to be a part of such a fantastic community such as the Battlefield community. For almost 10 years now, gamers all around the world have shown their support for this franchise with the utmost passion and commitment. This blog post is more than just a post. This is a helping hand and a voice from the entire Battlefield community. The ongoing tragedy in Somalia is something that should not go unseen or unheard. Let´s do what we can to help support this cause with every bit of dedication and compassion. - Daniel "zh1nt0" Matros

We encourage all players and participants to use the Somalian Hunger Relief, SHR clan tag and Twitter hash #somalianhungerrelief day to help grow awareness of this event

Somalia needs your help more than ever, and simply by playing a game and donating we can help change the lives of millions of people...


First Person Saviors - Charity Event with Sgt.Enigma

Mam nadzieje, ze uczestniczacy w evenicie bawili sie przednio - wspomagajc akcje, swoja obecnoscia/zalozeniem tagu SHR.

Dotacje nie sa i nie byly obowiazkowe.

a to ci co mnie wczoraj przetrzepali... :)


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